Conference: “To Read Again Herbert Blumer” (Pisa, April 3, 2017)

Herbert Blumer died on April 13th, 1987, in Pleasanton, California. Exactly thirty years after his passing, the Department of Political Science, University of Pisa, holds a commemorative conference entitled “To Read Again Herbert Blumer” (April 3, Pisa), about his work and his scientific legacy. The interactionist community in Pisa will be pleased to involve scholars from all over the country discussing various issues about Herbert Blumer’s relevance and influence in the early 21st century. It will be an interesting journey through many themes, with speeches on different substantive topics, both theoretical and methodological. The purpose is to stimulate a common reflection on the originality of Blumer’s ideas, and their susceptibility to further elaboration, in order to identify areas where the fundamental assumptions of Symbolic Interactionism may prove useful.


Raffaele Rauty – University of Salerno, Italy
Herbert Blumer, from Chicago to Berkeley: the construction of Symbolic Interactionism

Rita Bichi – Catholic University, Milan, Italy
Mixed and/or Merged: a methodological reconstruction?

Vincenzo Romania – University of Padua, Italy
Blumer after Blumer: methodological rigour and critical positivism in Andrew Abbott’s sociology

Giuseppina Cersosimo – University of Salerno, Italy
From Herbert Blumer to Anselm Strauss: to the roots of grounded theory and interactionism in health care

Charlie Barnao – Magna Græcia University of Catanzaro, Italy
Autoethnography and Symbolic Interactionism: a way of being, and seeing the world

Andrea Salvini, Irene Psaroudakis – University of Pisa, Italy
Herbert Blumer, today

Massimo Pendenza – University of Salerno, Italy
Coordinator AIS Section “Teorie Sociologiche e Trasformazioni Sociali”
