II International Summer School on Grounded Theory and Qualitative Methods

The Department of Political Sciences, University of Pisa, invites you to attend the II International Summer School on Grounded Theory and Qualitative Methods, under the support of AIS (Associazione Italiana di Sociologia).

We are pleased to introduce you to the most renowned scholars in the Grounded Theory – Qualitative Research traditions, coming from European Universities, learn and live for some days in a historically rich, stimulating and welcoming town.

It will be a five-day, intensive course mainly devoted to introducing participants to Grounded Theory and Qualitative Methods with a practical approach and with the aim to giving answer to questions such as “how to do research”, “how to collect, analyse and interpret qualitative data”, “how to write a research report” basing the results on your findings.

Join us at the Summer School and be an active learner in our classes and in our collaborative groups. Meet interesting people with you can interact with and discuss topics of your own interest concerning qualitative methods and how to give answer to your daily research problems.

Download Booklet.

International Summer School on GT and Qualitative Methods 2016

Program SS_2017


220px-Roberto_CiprianiRoberto Cipriani, University of Roma Tre
Roberto Cipriani is Full Professor of Sociology at Università Roma Tre. He has carried out extensive research both in the theoretical and empirical fields. His main and best known sociological theory is that of “diffused religion” based on the processes of education, socialization and communication and applicable both to the Italian context and to the context of other countries in which a particular religion is dominant. He has carried out comparative empirical research in Italy at Orune (Sardinia), in Greece at Episkepi (Corfu) and in Mexico at Nahuatzen (Michoacán) on the relationship between solidarity and community. In the course of his research he has shot films on popular festive celebrations and in particular on the Holy Week celebrations at Cerignola in Puglia (“Rossocontinuo”), in Spain (“Semana Santa en Sevilla”) and on the feast of the patron saint of a Mexican pueblo (“Las fiestas de San Luís Rey”). He has been President of the Italian Association of Sociology, President of the Research Committee of Sociology of Religion within the International Sociological Association as well as Editor-in-Chief of the journal International Sociology. He has been President of the European Council of the National Associations of Sociology. He is currently President of the Italian Association of University Teachers (A.I.D.U.). He is the author of more than seventy books and nine hundred articles and his work has been translated into English, French, Russian, Spanish, German, Chinese and Portuguese.

dellwing_michaelMichael Dellwing, University of Kassel
Michael Dellwing is a lecturer in the Department of Social Sciences at Kassel University. His fields of research include ethnography, everyday life sociology, deviance and sociology of law, and sociology of psychiatry. Recent publications include: Einführung in die interaktionistische Ethnografie with Robert Prus (Springer, 2012); and Little Dramas of Discomposure, Symbolic Interaction (2012). Upcoming works include: Krankheitskonstruktionen und Krankheitstreiberei with Martin Harbusch (Springer 2013) and an anthology of works of Herbert Blumer with Heinz Bude (Suhrkamp 2013). He’s member of EU-SSSI Board.

krzysztof_maleKrzysztof Konecki, University of Lodz
Krzysztof Konecki is Chief of Sociology of Organization and Management Department of the University of Lodz, editor-in-chief of Qualitative Sociology Review (www.qualitativesociologyreview.org), chair of a section of Qualitative Sociology and Symbolic Interactionism of Polish Sociological Association. His main research fields are: methodology of qualitative research, sociology of organization and management, sociology of interactions. He’s specially interested in symbolic interactionism and interpretative sociology, visual sociology, Japanese studies, human – non-human animals interactions, research on yoga and meditation practices, organizational culture and symbolism, organizational identity and corporate image, sustainable development, contemplative sociology. He’s member of EU-SSSI Board.

s200_thaddeus.mullerThaddeus Muller, University of Lancaster
Thaddeus Muller is Senior Lecturer at Lancaster University Law School. He studies Erving Goffman, Chicago School, and Gender. Now, his research focus is on (urban) youth, such as the labeling of (ethnic) youth hanging around, the consumption of urban nightlife, drugs policy especially cannabis, hooliganism, academic fraud and the social world of music (transgression). Another major field of expertise is qualitative methods. He’s Vice President of EU-SSSI.

Anne_RyenAnne Ryen, University of Adger
Anne Ryen is Professor of sociology at University of Agder (UiA), Norway. She has been doing research with colleagues in East-Africa for 25 years both as leader of the Gender Cluster and of a large cross-disciplinary Research Programme with Mzumbe University, Tanzania, and now leader of the research group on Sociology of Culture, UiA. She has studied welfare benefits in private sector both in Norway and in Dar es Salaam, Tz., Asian business in East-Africa, gender and gendering processes, and is now working on multicultural issues in her own country and with economists on financial debt counseling. She has run methods seminars and Ph.D. courses in several Scandinavian and European countries as well as in African countries such as Tanzania, Malawi, Sudan and South-Africa. She is former coordinator of the ESA research network on qualitative research, and former member of ESA Exec. Her many publications deal with qualitative methodology (the interview, ethnography, research ethics) in cross-cultural contexts, in particular.

Andrea-Salvini-200x200Andrea Salvini, University of Pisa
Andrea Salvini, PhD, is Associate Professor of Methodology of Social Research at the Department of Political Sciences, University of Pisa. His main research interests deal with processes of data analysis, especially in qualitative methods and Grounded Theory. On these topics he has published his last book, Percorsi di analisi dei dati qualitativi (Utet, 2015). He devoted more than ten years to theoretical and empirical research on voluntary organizations and social network analysis (SNA) on which he wrote several articles and essays, such as Symbolic Interactionism and Social Network Analysis. An Uncertain Encounter (2010), Volontariato come interazione (2012). In 2010 he organized the first european conference of the Society for the Study of Symbolic Interaction and he is now the President of the EUSSSI Board.